My story here at St. John’s began in 1987, alongside my partner teacher and kindergarten bestie, Mrs. Wiggins.
Once upon a time there were two girls who were so excited to start kindergarten, right here at St. John the Baptist Catholic School. Although they were both nervous and wide-eyed, they were also excited to make new friends. The very first day of kindergarten, these two little nervous girls sat next to each other. And, before they knew it, they were like peas and carrots! Nobody remembers the exact moment it happened, but soon enough they became best friends.
The two girls were inseparable. They were best friends all the way throughout grade school and middle school. They spent their days together at school, and then jumped on the phone to each other as soon as they reached their respective homes, just to catch up on anything they missed!
They became teenagers, and went off to high school…different ones. And they missed each other terribly! And although they made new friends, they never forgot about each other.
Four years passed by very quickly (time flies when you are having fun) and the two little girls (who were not so little anymore) were starting college. At the time, the girls didn’t know, but they had enrolled at the same university. And wouldn’t you know, as luck (or fate) had it, they were reunited!!
Before they knew it, they had graduated from the same college. It was time for the girls to go out into the world and make something of themselves. Call it fate, but those two girls got jobs at the very same school, teaching the very same grade.
And the rest, as they say, is history!