For todays ELearning, I would like the children to go on a shape hunt. Have someone walk around the house and point out shapes. Then ask the child to identify them. This would be something you can do throughout the day, not all at once. Make it fun! Next, go to the Alphabet Song tap, watch, and sing the Better Alphabet Song. Lastly, have your child pray the Our Father. Stay warm!1/22/25
Welcome to E-Learning day 3. For today, I would like the children to go on a number hunt. Have someone walk around the house and point out numbers. Then ask the child to identify them. This would be something you can do throughout the day, not all at once. Make it fun! Next, go to the Alphabet Song tap, watch, and sing the Better Alphabet Song. Lastly, have your child pray the Our Father. Stay warm!
Welcome to E-Learning day 2. For today, I would like the children to go on a letter hunt. Have someone walk around the house and point out letters. Then ask the child to identify them. For example, walking through the kitchen maybe you see the logo for Whirlpool. Point to the W and ask the child "What letter is this? Do you know what sounds that letter makes?". This would be something you can do throughout the day, not all at once. Make it fun! Next, while someone is in the kitchen, have the child count how many spoons are in the drawer. Then have them sort the spoons by big spoons and little spoons. Make this fun, not "work" :) Don't forget to take pictures. Stay warm!1/20/25
For our E-Learning, there are three things I would like the children to do. First, I would like the children to work on the "Our Father" prayer. Second, I would like the children to write their name with no assistance. Third, go to the "Science Videos" tab and watch the instant ice video. If possible, try it at home :) Stay warm!!!1/16/25
For our E-Learning, there are three tabs labeled "Alphabet Song", "Read Aloud", and "Science Video's". Click on each tab to view the videos. Please have your child watch our alphabet song video, science video, and the read aloud video. After watching the read aloud, ask your child "Can you tell me what animal Hedgie talks to first? Can you tell me what animal Hedgie talks to last? What did all of the animals run off to do?". Once completed, and it warms up some, the most important assignment is, PLAY OUTSIDE :)9/18/24
For our E-Learning, there are two tabs labeled "Alphabet Song" and "Read Aloud". Click on each tab to view the videos. Please have your child watch our alphabet song video, and the read aloud video. After watching the read aloud, ask your child "How do you think Maria felt when she noticed the ring was missing? How do you think Maria felt when she had to tell her mother she lost the ring?". Once completed, and the fog lifts, the most important assignment is, PLAY OUTSIDE :)