We begin a new 300 Club Raffle each year starting July thru June of the following year. We are very blessed by those who have participated in this raffle previously!
The raffle operates as follows: Chances are sold for $100 each; you may purchase more than 1 chance! There are fifty-two weekly $150 drawings and two $500 drawings, one on Christmas and another on Easter. Proceeds from the 300 Club will be spent on materials for the new year of 300 Club and the rest will be donated towards other maintenance projects on church campus. Thank you for your support of St. John the Baptist in this way and for your kindness and generosity to this community!
Please consider joining to help support the parish. You can contact the parish office for a registration form. Return it with your check in the collection basket in an envelope marked "300 Club" or to the parish office in person or by mail. Please make checks out to St. John’s, and write “300 Club” on the memo line. Thank you for your support of St. John the Baptist and your participation in opportunities like this.